When it’s time to call the plumber

It’s an all too familiar occurrence. The pipes froze, the sink won’t stop leaking and the toilet’s constant running is getting annoying.

For smaller stuff you may only need a few DIY hacks that you can easily find on the tubes’:

Sometimes, you’re sure the problem has a simple fix you can easily find on YouTube, too. Before you start researching whether to use polyvinyl chloride (PVC) or chlorinated polyvinyl chloride (CPVC) pipes, following the steps below can help you decide whether you need to call a professional plumber like Tampa Plumbers, before attempting repairs yourself.

Assess your experience

Evaluating how much plumbing experience you have is a crucial step in deciding whether you can try the repairs on your own. Maybe you’ve completed other plumbing projects before or worked at a hardware store where you’re familiar with which parts are used for various functions. On the other hand, you could be entirely relying on the internet to answer your plumbing questions. According to the article “DIY Plumbing vs. Hiring a Professional,” published by Benjamin Franklin Bay Area Plumbing, unclogging toilets, fixing leaky faucets and installing shower heads are usually all right for beginning do-it-yourself (DIY) plumbers. Someone with experience should only attempt repairing frozen pipes, replacing fixtures such as toilets or dishwashers or any general plumbing on any new property.

If you’re looking at broken pipes, renovations, installing water heaters or moving anything, it’s best to hire a professional.

Figure out what you need for the job

Figuring out what materials and information you will need for the project is also a pivotal step. If you don’t have the resources available, it will be best to use a professional.

According to Heritage Plumbing Group’s article “DIY Plumbing vs. Hiring a Professional Plumber – Pros and Cons,” another crucial step is understanding what kinds of surprises could come up. These occurrences often require immediate action from someone who knows how to prevent even more damage. Some projects require licenses and knowledge of plumbing codes and regulations.

Weigh the costs of doing it yourself

Maybe you’re saving money right now by repairing fixtures yourself. Still, there are more than just immediate monetary costs to consider. According to Heritage Plumbing Group’s article, the monetary gain from not paying a professional now could cost you more in the future. Professional plumbers can identify other issues that may crop up later on while certifying more durable repairs. Also, while one problem may look like damage to solely the plumbing, there could be damage to ceilings or floors which shouldn’t be done yourself, Heritage Plumbing Group warns.

When deciding whether to DIY your next plumbing project, take some time to consider both the experience and materials necessary to complete it both safely and efficiently.

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